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Showing posts with label Worker. Show all posts

Free tutorial on building a personal blog Hexo on Cloudflare Worker

 Cloudflare Worker is a serverless cloud service provided by Cloudflare. The latest Workers Sites allows users to deploy blog programs such as Hexo, Wordpress, etc. to the Cloudflare cloud to run. This tutorial takes Hexo deployment as an example, which has a Node environment by default.

Install Wrangler, the deployment program provided by Cloudflare

Install Wrangler

  • Wrangler's project address: cloudflare /wrangler
  • Follow the official tutorial, use npm to install Wrangler, type in the console
    1. $ npm i @cloudflare / wrangler - g #Global installation
    2. $ # npm i @cloudflare/wrangler #If the default environment cannot be installed globally, you can use this partial installation command,


  • Install Wrangler in cargo mode (not used)
    1. $ cargo install wrangler

Get Cloudflare api key

Create a new api-token in Cloudflare's api console, click New api-token, and select Start with a template.

Use the Edit Cloudflare Workers template to create a new api, configure the corresponding permissions to obtain a new api-tokens, save it for future use.

Free tutorial on building a personal blog Hexo on Cloudflare Worker

Configure Wrangler Global Key

  • Console execution
    1. $ wrangler config

Enter the api-tokens you just saved and run the verification to complete all configurations.

Initialize Wrangler

  • Execute in the project directory terminal
    1. $ wrangler init - site my - static - site #my-static-site is replaced with the name of the Works to be created
    2. # $ npx wrangler init --site my-static-site #Use this command for partial installation, the usage is as above

Executing this command will generate wrangler.toml and aworkers-site in the project directory, where wrangler.toml is the Wrangler configuration file in the project.

Configure Wrangler

Simple setting of Wrangler.toml

  • The default generated wrangler.toml is as follows, which can be set according to
    1. name = "site" #Here is the name of the Workes previously filled in
    2. type = "webpack"
    3. account_id = "" #Fill in your Workers ID here and find it in the Workers panel
    4. workers_dev = true
    5. route = "" #Here is the personalized domain name area
    6. zone_id = ""
    7. [ site ]
    8. bucket = "public" #Fill in here the default generated directory file of the Hexo program
    9. entry - point = "workers-site"

Configure a personalized domain name

You don’t need to fill in this step and use the default Workers domain name

  • Write wrangler.toml according to the following prompts
    1. zone_id = "42ef.."
    2. route = "*"

When setting a custom domain name, you can add the corresponding Workers route in the Workers setting in the domain name management after the wrangler configuration is completed, and then adjust the SSL security level to Flexible, otherwise you will encounter an SSL 526 error.

Upload the entire site to Cloudflare Workers

Use Hexo to generate a static file

First, use Hexo to generate a static file in the project directory to generate a public file. If it is not produced, an error will be reported in the next upload.

Upload Public to Cloudflare

Run in the console

    1. $ wrangler publish

Prompt the following to complete all running operations.

    1. Using namespace for Workers Site "__site-workers_sites_assets"
    2. Uploading site files
    3. Success
    4. Installing wranglerjs ...
    5. Installing wasm - pack ...
    6. Built successfully , built project size is 11 KiB .
    7. Successfully published your script to https : //* #Here is the generated preview address

The Hexo demo program deployed in Workers: The static files generated by the demo program are stored in the corresponding Workers KV.


Note that the free version of the Workers Plan has a daily access limit of 100,000 (100,000 requests per day). The free quota is suitable for small site deployment (large traffic is easy to rollover), and large sites still use a dedicated server or a paid version to deploy more stably.